Wednesday 15 October 2014


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Wednesday 9 April 2014

Spain cheers as Spanish-born Valls and Hidalgo win French posts

The Spanish press was triumphant over homegrown victories in French politics this week as Barcelona-born Manuel Valls became prime minister and Anne Hidalgo, born in Cadiz, took over as mayor of Paris.

Both had moved to France with their parents when they were young children, and both are naturalised French citizens.
Valls, who speaks fluent Catalan and who regularly visits the family home in Barcelona, is a Barca supporter whose uncle wrote the words for one of the city’s football team’s signature songs.
“The French prime minister is a Culé [nickname for Barca supporters],” declared sports daily "Sport y Va3.
"La Vanguardia’s" splash on Tuesday read, “Valls, the French prime minister from Barcelona, the Culé who speaks Catalan.”
‘For better and for worse’
Hidalgo, from the Andalusia region of south-west Spain, was two years old when her parents moved to Lyon in southern France.
Referred to in the Spanish press as “Ana” (she took on the French spelling of her name with naturalisation), the Gadatina (the Spanish name for someone from Cadiz) has put a smile on Spanish faces since her election victory on Sunday.
“She comes from Andalusia and she is the first female mayor of Paris,” rejoiced regional daily "Diario de Sevilla".
But while Spain may be brimming with pride, others are concerned that the advances of the far-right National Front in last month’s local elections are a dark portent.
“France has always been a political laboratory for things to come,” wrote "El Pais" columnist Cecilia Ballestoros on Monday. “For better and for worse.”

Spanish lawmakers reject Catalonia secession bid

Spain’s parliament on Tuesday rejected a Catalan petition calling for a secession referendum in the country's wealthy northeastern province, with 299 lawmakers out of 347 voting against the separatist movement.

Spain’s major political parties, including the ruling conservative People’s Party (PP), the Socialist opposition, and the centrist Union for Progress and Democracy voted against the request by the Catalonia region to be granted the right to call a referendum after a seven-hour debate. Lawmakers from the Catalan and Basque nationalist parties voted in favour of the Catalan petition.
"I defend [the idea] that Catalonia should remain in Spain because I can't conceive of Spain without Catalonia nor of Catalonia outside of Spain and Europe," Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy told the assembly before the vote.
The Spanish leader repeated his argument that the vote would be illegal, since under Spain's constitution referendums on sovereignty must be held nationally and not regionally.
'Economic disaster'
Rajoy has warned that independence would be an economic disaster for both Spain and Catalonia, one of the country's most productive but also most indebted regions.
"Together we all win and separate we all lose," the prime minister told parliament.
Spain's Constitutional Court ruled last month that a region like Catalonia could not "unilaterally" call a referendum on its sovereignty.
But the Catalan government argues that a 2006 Catalan autonomy statute that was passed by Spain's parliament granted the region the power to hold referendums.
Catalonia's regional head of government, Artur Mas, has always vowed to remain within the law and he stressed after the vote that Tuesday's rejection was not final.
"From this painful 'no', the Catalan institutions will seek to build legal frameworks, and there are several, allowing for this November 9 ballot to take place," he said.
Mas has also threatened to call snap regional elections as a form of plebiscite on the struggle for independence.
'Question of dignity'
Last year on September 11, Catalonia's national day, hundreds of thousands of people formed a human chain across the region to demand independence in a rally organised by the group.
"It is not just a question of money, it has become a question of dignity," said 72-year-old pensioner Xavier Vivanco as he sat in a square in the city of Vic, in the heart of the most pro-independence province of Catalonia.
Proud of their distinct language and culture, a growing number of Catalonia's 7.5 million citizens resent the redistribution of their taxes to other regions and believe the region would be better off on its own.The 2008 real estate crash that triggered a five-year economic downturn across Spain has added to the pressure for secession over the past two years.
The European Union and NATO have warned that Catalonia – which has more people than Denmark and an economy rivalling Portugal's in size – would be excluded from both alliances if it broke away from Spain.

Hard disk pioneer Stuart Parkin wins Millennium Prize

Prof Stuart Parkin Prof Parkin took advantage of electrons' spin to make cheap storage possible

A British scientist whose work made it possible for hard disks to radically expand in size has been awarded the Millennium Technology Prize.
Prof Stuart Parkin developed a type of data-reading head capable of detecting weaker and smaller signals than had previously been possible.
The innovation allowed more information to be stored on each disk platter.
The foundation behind the award said he had made Facebook, Google, Amazon and other online services possible.
"Parkin is a leading innovator in the field of spintronics, which relies on the magnetic spin of electrons rather than their charge to store bits and is one of the most successful fields of nanotechnology yet," said Technology Academy Finland.
"[His] innovations have led to a huge expansion of data acquisition and storage capacities, which in turn have underpinned the evolution of large data centres and cloud services, social networks, music and film distribution online."
Previous winners of the one million euro ($1.38m; £824,000) award - which is announced every other year - include web inventor Tim Berners-Lee and the Linux operating system kernel developer Linus Torvalds.
Those selected are judged to have invented something that either has changed or has the power to change people's lives for the better, ideally on a global scale.
Sensitive detector Prof Parkin's field of expertise is a branch of physics called spintronics - or spin electronics.
In this case, the word "spin" refers to a quantum mechanical property of an electron that can be likened to a planet turning around its axis.
Toshiba hard disk The professor says hard disks are able to store roughly 1,000 times more than they would have been without the use of spintronics
Just as planets can rotate clockwise or anti-clockwise, electrons are said to be able to spin up or down - an action that sets up a magnetic field.
The analogy is not perfect, but in short the phenomenon can be exploited to store bits of data on atomically-thin magnetic structures.
Prof Parkin made this possible by building on the observations of two Nobel Prize winners - Albert Fert and Peter Grunberg - to create a highly sensitive detector capable of discerning small magnetic fields at room temperature.
"The spin valve sensing device allowed one to detect much tinier magnetic fields and therefore smaller magnetic regions in a magnetic disk drive," he explained to the BBC.
"The information in a disk drive is basically stored as magnetic regions in a very thin magnetic film.
"So, now we could detect much smaller regions than was possible before, in fact about 1,000 times smaller because of the extreme sensitivity of the spin valve sensing device."
Google data centre The falling cost of storage has made it affordable to build giant data centres
The work was carried out for IBM, and the firm commercialised the technology in 1997. It soon became an industry standard, allowing disk capacity to quadruple roughly once a year for several years.
That not only made it possible to store more information in computers but also meant it became affordable to build giant data centres.
"The modern world is sustained by our ability to store all our information in magnetic disk drives essentially in the cloud, so that you can instantaneously carry out Google searches, instantly stream music and movies," added Prof Parkin.
"None of those things would be possible without the immense capacities of magnetic disk drives at the very low cost that is possible today... thanks to this spintronic sensing device."
Racetrack memory
The professor continues to work for IBM, and is hoping to spearhead a further storage revolution with an experimental technology he is developing for the firm called Racetrack memory.
Prof Stuart Parkin Prof Parkin is currently working on a new type of storage codenamed Racetrack memory
The goal is to exploit spintronics to create a new type of storage that would consume less energy than magnetic disk drives but be as high-performing as solid-state flash memory - a more expensive alternative.
"By building a three-dimensional device with tiny nanoscopic wires in which a whole series of magnetic regions are raced to and fro, it can increase the storage capacity of conventional solid-state memory 100-fold," he said.
"It would be as fast and reliable as conventional solid state memories but would be as cheap and capacious as a magnetic disk drive - basically containing the best of both worlds."
While the professor is keen to highlight how his work has made it possible for the internet to offer vast amounts of information and entertainment, he acknowledges that the technology has also been used for more controversial purposes - including the storage and analysis of large amounts of information about the public by cyber-spy agencies.
Even so, he said he had few regrets.
"Of course it's a concern if people misuse data if they can," he said.
"It's like any scientific discovery or development - it can be used for good and sometimes used for bad.

UFC Welterweight Title Fight:

Johny Hendricks vs. Robbie Lawler

Round 1

Referee Dan Miragliotta is in charge of tonight’s main event, with judges Douglas Crosby, Mike Gonzalez and Aladin Martinez scoring the bout. Lawler rushes Hendricks with punches against the fence but gets caught behind him with an awkward angle. Hendricks comes off the cage and then pushes Lawler against it with an underhook, driving a few knees into Lawler’s legs. Lawler shoves off and throws a combo, dodged by Hendricks, who drives forward for another clinch off a failed shot. They don’t stay tied up long, and Lawler creeps forward, absorbing a leg kick as he tries to jab into Hendricks’ range. A couple more low kicks connect for Hendricks, and now Lawler is checking them. Lawler grazes with an overhand right and eats a left-handed counter. Lawler jabs to keep Hendricks away now, but Hendricks gets inside with an uppercut and a right hook. Lawler blocks the left high kick that follows. Hendricks presses in with a left, a body kick, and now he puts Lawler up against the cage, where they finish the round.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Hendricks
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Hendricks
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Hendricks

Round 2

Lawler lands a long left and backs up as Hendricks works from the center of the cage. Hendricks is keeping him on the outside, working the jab, and now Lawler sticks a jab of his own. Hendricks comes inside with a kick and a left behind it, and the combo scores again a few seconds later, this one even harder. Lawler is pawing, sticking his jab in Hendricks’ face but not hitting hard. Hendricks drills Lawler with a hard knee to the gut and a chopping leg kick outside. Lawler steps into the pocket and gets lit up with a left, a right, an uppercut. Left hook connects for Lawler, slowing Hendricks for a few seconds, but now “Bigg Rigg” comes with a pair of punches and another hard low kick. Ninety seconds left in the round and Lawler sends a left hand over the top, then stuffs a shot and catches Hendricks in a headlock. Hendricks bursts out and pops Lawler with a left hook. Lawler is coming straight at Hendricks, moving him toward the fence, but it’s Hendricks pouring on the punches. Hendricks eats a right, points to his beard and takes a left. Lawler eats a hard knee but gets the last word in the round with a cracking overhand left on Hendricks’ cheek.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Hendricks
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Hendricks
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Hendricks

Round 3

Lawler lands an early leg kick, answered in kind by Hendricks and followed by a whipping left. Hendricks takes another low kick to step in and deliver hard knees up the middle. Hendricks finds his mark with two more whopping lefts that back up Lawler. Great combinations from Hendricks, mixing up knees, low kicks and punches. Lawler looks stunned for a moment but then lurches forward to continue throwing. Lawler sticks a jab in Hendricks’ face and then hurts him with a left. Hendricks is dazed, on his back foot, and Lawler is throwing with confidence, bombing with both hands. Hendricks eats a dozen punches or more before diving for a takedown and being stuffed. Now throwing back, Hendricks is still eating vicious hooks and overhand lefts. Ninety seconds left and the welterweights are just throwing down, standing in the pocket and blasting away. Hendricks looks better as he steps in to hit Lawler’s body with a knee. Lawler answers back with a jab, a left around the outside. They circle around a bit in the last 30 seconds, Lawler trying to bait Hendricks inside with a low crouch.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Lawler
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Lawler
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Lawler

Round 4

Lawler is teeing off early in the first championship round, picking at Hendricks with jabs, throwing knees and blasting away with left hooks. Hendricks answers back with a combination of punches and a knee, and Lawler makes him pay with a left hook. Blood is streaming down the right side of Hendricks’ face, so Lawler keeps popping him with the left, worsening the damage. Hendricks is getting busy, keeping busy with leg kicks and zapping Lawler with the occasional left hook. Lawler grabs the Thai plum and sends a couple hard knees up the center. Now it’s Hendricks firing off a pair of hard shots that gets Lawler’s attention. The “Ruthless” one takes back some ground with a series of five or six stiff jabs. An outside leg kick lands flush for Lawler but Hendricks keeps coming and scores one of his own. Hendricks scores a late takedown with 20 seconds left and socks Lawler with a couple punches before the horn.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Lawler
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Lawler
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Lawler

Round 5

Lawler opens the final round with a jab that snaps back Hendricks’ head. Hendricks fakes a shot and steps forward, takes a nice, crossing counter on the cheek. Now Hendricks shoots the takedown for real, but Lawler keeps his balance with the help of the cage. Hendricks keeps him there for a minute, digging for the takedown until referee Miragliotta breaks them up. Hendricks misses with a pair of punches but hits the low kick behind it. Lawler comes through with a hard left hook, countered by another Hendricks kick. Lawler jabs his way into range, putting Hendricks on his back foot. Left straight-right cross combo from Lawler sends Hendricks backward, but he comes right back to rock Lawler with a left. Two more lefts have Lawler wobbling. Lawler is suddenly looking rough, standing right in front of Hendricks, absorbing knees, hard leg kicks, punching combinations. Hendricks hits a takedown with 60 seconds left and Lawler makes a face as he sits up against the fence. Lawler tries to climb up but Hendricks takes the legs out from under him and stays on top to the final horn.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Hendricks (48-47 Hendricks)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Hendricks (48-47 Hendricks)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Hendricks (48-47 Hendricks)

The Official Result

Johny Hendricks def. Robbie Lawler via Unanimous Decision (48-47, 48-47, 48-47) R5 5:00


Brazil World Cup Schedule – 2014

Here is the Brazil World Cup Schedule 2014. The 2014 Brazil World Cup kicks off on June 12th, 2014 in Sao Paulo. The Semi Final games will take place in Belo Horizonte and Sao Paulo. The 3rd Place game will take place in Brasilia, and the final game will be in Rio de Janeiro.
Group Matches:
  Belo Horizonte Brasilia Cuiaba Curitiba Fortaleza Manaus Natal Porto Alegre Recife Rio de Janeiro Salvador Sao Paulo
June 12

Brazil vs Croatia
June 13

Chile vs Australia

Mexico vs Cameroon

Spain vs Netherlands

June 14 13:00
Colombia vs Greece

Uruguay vs Costa Rica
England vs Italy

Ivory Coast vs Japan

June 15
Switzerland vs Ecuador

France vs Honduras

Argentina vs Bosnia-Herzegovina

June 16

Iran vs Nigeria

Ghana vs USA

Germany vs Portugal

June 17 13:00
Belgium vs Algeria

Russia vs Korea Republic

Brazil vs Mexico

June 18

Cameroon vs Croatia

Australia vs Netherlands

Spain vs Chile

June 19
Colombia vs Ivory Coast

Japan vs Greece

Uruguay vs England
June 20

Honduras vs Ecuador

Italy vs Costa Rica

Switzerland vs France

June 21 13:00
Argentina vs Iran

Nigeria vs Bosnia-Herzegovina

Germany vs Ghana

June 22

USA vs Portugal

Korea Republic vs Algeria

Belgium vs Russia

June 23
Cameroon vs Brazil

Australia vs Spain

Croatia vs Mexico

Netherlands vs Chile
June 24 13:00
Costa Rica vs England

Japan vs Colombia

Greece vs Ivory Coast

Italy vs Uruguay

June 25

Honduras vs Switzerland

Nigeria vs Argentina

Ecuador vs France
Bosnia-Herzegovina vs Iran

June 26
Portugal vs Ghana

Algeria vs Russia

USA vs Germany

Korea Republic vs Belgium
June 27 No Games

Round of 16:
  Belo Horizonte Brasilia Cuiaba Curitiba Fortaleza Manaus Natal Porto Alegre Recife Rio de Janeiro Salvador Sao Paulo
June 28 Game 49:
1A vs 2B

Game 50:
1C vs 2D

June 29

Game 51:
1B vs 2A

Game 52:
1D vs 2C

June 30
Game 53:
1E vs 2F

Game 54:
1G vs 2H

July 1

Game 56:
1H vs 2G
Game 55:
1F vs 2E
July 2 No Games
July 3 No Games
Quarter Finals:
  Belo Horizonte Brasilia Cuiaba Curitiba Fortaleza Manaus Natal Porto Alegre Recife Rio de Janeiro Salvador Sao Paulo
July 4

Game 57:
W49 vs W50

Game 58:
W53 vs W54

July 5
Game 60:
W55 vs W56

Game 59:
W51 vs W52

July 6 No Games
July 7 No Games
Semi Finals:
  Belo Horizonte Brasilia Cuiaba Curitiba Fortaleza Manaus Natal Porto Alegre Recife Rio de Janeiro Salvador Sao Paulo
July 8 17:00
Game 61:
W57 vs W58

July 9

Game 62:
W59 vs W60
July 10 No Games
July 11 No Games

3rd Place and Final:
  Belo Horizonte Brasilia Cuiaba Curitiba Fortaleza Manaus Natal Porto Alegre Recife Rio de Janeiro Salvador Sao Paulo
July 12
Game 63:
L61 vs L62

July 13

Game 64:
W61 vs W62


Scanners bought for Rs 1bn inoperative: Nisar

  Scanners bought for Rs 1bn inoperative: Nisar
ISLAMABAD: Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan has said that the scanners which were bought for Rs 1 billion are inoperative as they are not capable of identifying explosives.

Talking to media after visiting the site of bomb explosion in Islamabad that claimed 22 lives, Nisar said week and poor labourers were targeted in the explosion.
He said that the issue of terrorism could not be overcome without acquiring sophisticated technology. It is not possible for police to check each truck on the routes, he explained.
Accountability could not be done through bullet or gun, the minister added.